Powerful Dua To Make People Respect You - Dua to earn respect from others

Powerful Dua To Make People Respect You - Dua to earn respect from others Powerful Dua To Make People Respect You - Dua to earn respect from others Powerful Dua To Make People Respect You - Dua to earn respect from others Powerful Dua To Make People Respect You - Dua to earn respect from others Powerful Dua To Make People Respect You - Dua to earn respect from others If you want that people should respect you where you go then do the following.

Take some olive oil and read "Ya Azizo" (Allahs name) 100,000 times. then do a dam (blow) on the oil.

Every day rub a little bit of that oil on your face. Everyone who will see you will respect you immensely.

You can read it in any time period. The oil will only work for the reader and not for other people.

conditions are that you do not do gunah/sins willingly and have correct Sunni beliefs. If you do not do either then the wazifa will not work.

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