ISLAMIC DUA TO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN || Dua to make things happen quickl...

ISLAMIC DUA TO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN || Dua to make things happen quickly ||  powerful dua for miracle

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dua to get married to the person you want ISLAMIC DUA TO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN || Dua to make things happen quickly || ISLAMIC DUA TO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN || Dua to make things happen quickly || ISLAMIC DUA TO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN || Dua to make things happen quickly ||

Dua to make things happen quickly

Nothing is impossible for Allah, I mean nothing! But I didn’t mean we can ask Allah for something impossible. Although we can still make Dua for something where we have a chance to get it, and If we do an effort on it, we will get the result very fast.

When I was a kid, I have been taught that the Dua must be conducted by an effort and the usefulness of making Dua is to help our efforts. That’s why I never ask which is beyond my ability. So, we ask something that we still have a chance to get into and we must have to struggle hard.

Allah did not answer always all of my Dua’s but most of the time I got surprised which gave me really effective advantages after my hard effort.

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