Effective Wazifa for Marriage | Wazifa for getting married fast | Islami...

Effective Wazifa for Marriage | Get married Fast in 3 days | Wazifa for getting married | wazifa for shadi | Islamic Dua Helpline |

#3daysmarriagewazifa #wazifaformarriage

This wazifa is specialized for that person who does not have much time for wazifas. This consists of only 3 days who can perform this wazifa with full devotions this will help like bullet. The vital condition to perform this wazifa is that this can be done either a single person or a group of only 3 persons. This wazifa is not allowed to perform by 2 persons or more than 3 persons. If single person perform it this will be completed in almost 5 hours. It seems to be lengthy wazifa. Yes it is a lengthy wazifa for marriage but you have to do it only for 3 days. You can take help of your relatives, friends, brother or sisters to recite it.  If 3 people perform it will complete in 3 hours. There procedure mentioned below:

Wazifa for Marriage:

For better result you can intiate this wazifa at the night between Wednesday and Thursday. With fresh ablution you please sit on a clean place. First recite Darood Ibrahim 21 times. if 3 person perform then each one recite darood 21 times. Aafter that recite “Ya Qayumu” 21000 times  and 3 people divide it as such the total quantity remain 21000. After completion again recites Darood 21 times after that pray only one person for marriage the other two just raise their hands. After pray again recite Darood Ibrahim and repeat this for 3 days.

Tags:- dua for marriage


dua istikhara

dua to get married

surah to get married

wazifa for marriage

wazifa for love

wazifa for love marriage


islamic wazifa

wazifa for marriage in 3 days

powerful wazifa for love marriage

wazifa for shadi

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