Wazifa for Transfer to a Desired Post or Location | Islamic Dua Helpline |

Wazifa for Transfer to a Desired Post or Location #wazifafortransfer #wazifaforjob | Islamic Dua Helpline | Do you require a change of atmosphere in your job? Or looking a Wazifa for Transfer?

You should seriously think about a Job Transfer for any number of reasons. And each one of your reasons may be awesome ones. Regardless, you may need to expert your present place of work commitments absolutely before continuing ahead to an equivalent occupation that has all the earmarks of being improved or different. A couple of segments present themselves for thought in your decision to ask for a trade with your association.

Best Wazifa for Transfer to a Desired Post

For Transfer to a Desired Post or Location. After Isha salat supplicate 2 rakat nafil hajat. Then recite Ayatul Kursi 40 times with Darood Ibrahimi 11 times Prior and then afterward. And pray to Allah for transfer. Do this 21 days. In shaa Allah you will get transfer.

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