Wazifa to Forget Your Love or Someone - Dua to forget someone

Wazifa to Forget Your Love or Someone - Dua to forget someone #WAZIFATOFORGETLOVE #Islamicduahelpline When you fall in love you dont know that you both will be togather forever or not, thats why I always advise to all my followers that you can love but after marriage, because there is not chance that you will lose your love, but if you fallen in love and your lover got married to someone else and now you want to forget your love, do this Wazifa to Forget Your Love or Someone.

After every salat recite 3rd kalima (mentioned above) and la hawla wala quwwata illa billah ali ul azeem, 7 times , do this 7 days, in shaa Allah you will forget your love.

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