Powerful Wazifa Only for One night for All Wishes | Islamic Dua Helpline |

Powerful Wazifa Only for One night for All Wishes | Islamic Dua Helpline | #wazifaforhajat Sometimes people don't have time, or they can not do lengthy wazaif of 40 days or 90 days. For those kinds of people here is the which is only for one night. Although it is also a lengthy wazifa but you only have to do it for one night to fulfill your any wish,

Powerful Wazifa Only for One night for All Wishes

After Isha salat in a separate room, recite “bismillah hir-Rahman nirrahim” 1000 times. Then pray 2 rakat nafil, then again 1000 times “Bismillah hir-Rahman nirrahim”. Then again 2 rakat nafil, in this way you have to recite it 12000 times and pray a total of 24 rakat nafil. Now pray for your problem or wish, in shaa Allah problem will be solved and wish will be fulfilled.

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