Make Anyone Fall in Love With You Wazifa - Dua to create love in someone...

Make Anyone Fall in Love With You Wazifa - Dua to create love in someone's heart #fallinlovewithyou #wazifaforlove

Every human wants Love, Respect and honor. Especially when some one interested in marriage. Boy or Girl wants that their lover should fall in love with him/her and Never walk away. If you have same problem, that you love some one and he/she is not taking any interest in you. Your boss is a tough guy, and no matter how hard you works he never appreciate it. Neighbor creating problem and making your life hell. School or collage mates are bullying. You can say that this wazifa is for any situation for any one.

Make Anyone Fall in Love With You Wazifa

Recite this ayet 15 times with Surah Fatiha blow on any sweet and make him/her eat it, In shaa Allah he/she will start loving you. You can do it more times if process is slow.

سُبْحانَكَ لا إلَهَ إلاّ أنتَ يا رَبَّ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَوارِثَهُ و ارازقه

Subhanaka la ilaha illa anta ya rabba kulli shai in wa waris hoo wa

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