Signs and Symptoms of black Magic || How to know that someone has done s...

Signs and Symptoms of black Magic || How to know that someone has done something on you || #signsofblackmagic #removeblackmagic

All the friends I Will tell you how to recognize Black Magic:

These are the signs of Balck Magic.

1) If you see a dream of shit, urine or eating meat, or shit on your body,

2) Headache

3) Complete body pain.

4) Increased sex desire.

5) To be a pain in Back and Kidney.

6) Bad smell farts.

7) Feeling fire in the body.

8) Feeling of hot body and hot air from nose and mouth.

9) Eyes burn and red.

10) Feel urine and shit again and again.

11) High Heart beat.

12) With difficulty breathing, pain in cheast.

13) not feel good about anything.

14) Face is going dark.

15) Abdominal pain and diarrhea.

16) Face or leg rashes.

17) Face become horrible.

18) Heart afraid.

19) Not feeling well all the time

20) All things available still not happy.

21) Feel hanger agai and again even after 1 hour of eating.

22) Dont like praying, feel about Allah (God), bad thoughts about Allah in mind.

23) Always Pain in therot and voice is no clear

24) Bad Dreams, snakes, lizerds, dogs in the dream.

25) Heart have strange fear, which is not explainable

26) Feel pricks in the body. Wazifa to Remove Evil Spirits (ASIAB)

27) Main in stomeck, and feel vomitting.

28) Feel sleepy, dont link to do any thing, feeling lazeeness.

29) Mind does not work properly, put and thing and forget that where you put it, memory loss.

30) Start hating your ownself.

31) See blue color or pink color or lines and circles in front 0of Eyes

32) Always feel tiredness, wihtout working. Wazifa for Sexual Problems Made by Magic

33) While listing or reading Quran feel pain in body or feel uncomfortable.

34) Acidity in stomech

35) More nightfalls

36) Vibration in the body, pain in musecles

37) Feel hands or feet are dead.

38) pimples in the head.

39) Bad smell in urine

40) Bad smell in shit.

41) Feeling cold wihtout any reason.

42) Feel pain in feet wihtout walking.

43) Dogs or dead person in dream.

44) Weight loss wihtout any reason.

45) Medicine not affect or impact.

46) Watch people doing sex in dream, or naked people.

47) Feel a weight on shoulders, or body. Taweez to Remove Sex Magic

These are the signs of black magic if you have some of these signs immediately consult with any Amil who can remove black magic. You can also consult us +91-7300273361.

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Tags:- Symptoms of Black Magic and Possession, Symptoms of Black Magic, What are the symptoms of black magic?

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