I want my love back at any cost - Get your lost love back | Islamic Dua ...

I want my love back at any cost - Get your lost love back | Islamic Dua Helpline | #WANTMYLOVEBACKATANYCOST http://bestamalforlove.over-blog.com/2018/01/get-my-love-back-at-any-cost-wazifa-dua.html


There are some rules to do this wazifa.

You must follow it.

Do this wazifa between 1-14 of any Hijri/Lunar Calendar Month.

Do this 7 days without any gap no matter what is the cause of gap, at same time and same place.

Steps to perform Dua to Bring Back Lost Love

First highlight all 7 Mubeens in the Surah Yaseen. It will make it easy for you to remember the point where you have to stop.

1. Durood-e-Ibraheemi 7 times

2. Start Surah Yaseen upto 1st Mubeen fee ‘imamimmubeen’ Verse #12 then stop here.

3. Start Surah Yaseen from the beginning and recite upto 2nd Mubeen ‘illalbalaghulmubeen’ Verse #17 then stop here.

4. Again start Surah Yaseen from the beginning, recite upto 3rd Mubeen ‘dalalimmubeen’ Verse #24 then stop here.

5. Restart Surah Yaseenfrom the beginning, recite upto 4th Mubeen ‘dalalimmubeen’ Verse #47 then stop here.

6. Again start Surah Yaseen from the beginning, recite upto 5th Mubeen ‘aaduwwummubeen’ Verse #60 then stop here.

7. Then start again Surah Yaseen from the beginning, recite upto 6th Mubeen ‘waquranummubeen’ Verse #69 then stop here.

8. Restart Surah Yaseen from the beginning, recite upto 7th Mubeen ‘khaseemumubeen’ Verse #77 then stop here.

9. This is last time, start Surah Yaseen from the beginning, This time do not stop at any Mubeen and read the whole Yaseen Shareef from the beginning till the end.

10. Now recite Durood-e-Ibraheemi 7 times.

11. Raise your hands and make a Dua to Bring Back Lost Love, with full concentration and tears in your eyes.

Tags:- I want my love back at any cost, I Want My Ex Love Back, I want my lost love back, I want My get Love Back By Mantra, The ONLY Plan To Get Your Ex Back THAT WORKS, I love her a lot and I want her at any cost, how to bring ex love back, Winning Your Lover Back After a Breakup

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